Sunday, November 11, 2007

Entry 6 _ Eggs Picture by Egg shells

Hello everyone,

My idea came from the eggs which I usually use for my breakfast. In fact, I felt so pity when many beautiful egg shells have been thrown away. Moreover, I also wanted to draw a picture about the cute little chickens, and a hatch with the broken eggs. The egg shells are used to make a eggs picture that is so suitable and interesting. This is the reason why I chose this idea for my entry.

Firstly, I must collect more and more many egg shells the best. I also have to wash them cleanly and expose them to the sun until it's dry. This way would help to deodorize egg shells' smell (the 1st image).
Secondly, I think about an eggs picture in my mind and sketched it on an A3 paper-board by pencil.
Then, I smashed the egg shells became many little pieces and glued them in my sketched picture. Although, I got the outline, I was very difficult to glue egg shell pieces. However, I still finished it.

After that, I used water-color to paint my eggs picture. (the 2nd image)

Finally, I got a perfect eggs picture which was done by egg shells. (the final image)

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