Sunday, November 25, 2007

Entry 10


This entry has a connection with the previous entry.

This is the mock up of my Dating website. It is a website for lovers so I chose pink is the main color.
Two little butterflies create a small heart at the middle. Moreover, they are flying near some green bamboo trees.
Bamboo is also a symbol of Vietnamese people. They present for a natural pure beauty.
I drew the bamboo trees and the butterflies on the Illustrator program.
Then, I placed them to the Photo Shop program and edited them.
The large couple of butterflies were reversed to create a heart. I reduced the opacity of them in order that I could put the text more easily.
The banner and buttons were designed from styles in Photo Shop. However, I changed shape and chose colors to get new styles for them.
Finally, I got a mock up for my Dating Web.

Entry 9

Hi everyone,

On week 5, I want show you a hand with five fingers.

You see my left hand.
Firstly, I scanned my left hand and used Photo-shop program to edit it. I selected filter/ Sketch? Bas relief to paint it with special green color.

Secondly, I must sketch a butterfly by paint and paper. I also think how to decorate it. After that, I drew it again on Illustrator program. Finally, I chose pink for the main color of the butterfly. Now, I got a picture of butterfly.Then, I changed it's size and reverse it to get three different color butterflies.

Finally, I combined all of my works to become a main picture. The idea means that a love tree is created from hand image.

I just want to give prominence to think about the value of humans' hands. In fact, the hands are really important and necessary to people. The hand can make growing plants, blooming flowers, and present a love (a soft hand of mother, a rough hand of dad). Moreover, there are hands by hands of couples.
All of them gave me a feeling to make this "Love Hand Tree".

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Entry 8

Hello everyone,

You know. I showed you my idea for moon symbol in entry 2 on the first week.
Now, I will show you some my new ideas to decorate for my moon symbol.
Firstly, I translate my scanned image to bitmap image on Illustrator program.
(the below image)
Secondly, I edited the image more clearly and perfectly. Then, I thought a new idea. I not only wanted to create a full moon but also a half moon. I combines the outline of the girl's face to create a half moon (on the left of the girl). The half moon has a face of Dracula. Moreover, a black bat presents for the eye of the half moon. I saw Dracula, moon and bat usually appear at the time. That is the reason why I drew my half moon has a white pointed fang.
The girl with a black hair and pink face looks like a pink cloud and night sky. I put some yellow stars on her black hair. (the first below image)
After that, I changed my idea. I painted all the girl face black. (the second image)
The last image is put a big black shadow to get depth.

Entry 7

Hi everyone,
this is my first entry on week 4.

The image is not really clear so you should click on it to see the bigger one.

I did it for the Design competition for student diary 2008.

My idea came from my graduation (Diploma of Design) on 25th November, 2007. I think that students always hope graduation as soon as they can. That is the goal of most of RMIT students. They want to get the good international certificates at RMIT in other that they can be more confident to find the suitable jobs. That is the reason why I drew a mortarboard (with inside year number 2008) at the middle on the top.
All people with different skin colors (yellow, white and black) hand by hand create a curve at the bottom for the mortarboard. The people present for solidarity and an international university meaning at RMIT (means students and teacher from many different countries all over the world but they are still very good work- team).

The boy is very excited with graduation. His cool hair looks like a flame of zeal. He presents for dynamic students at RMIT.
The girl is also wearing a fashionable clothes (a long pull-over and a hold close short trousers)
The girl and the boy are holding the certificate together. This means this is an international university which suit with both male and female. Moreover, work-team is always given prominence.

Do you recognize the university name "RMIT"?
I will show you it right now. The girl's hair creates the letter "R". Two letters "M" and "I" constitute the mortarboard. The T-shirt of the boy creates for the letter "T".

The pink and blue oval background is a variant of a Yin Yang . It presents for male and female. In addition, at the middle of the Yin Yang, it creates a big letter "S" which presents for Vietnamese country's shape on the map.
I changed the color from black and white to pink and blue in other to suit with modern students. The girls love romantic of pink color. The boys loves strength of blue color.

The white outline will be the place to put the RMIT logo.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Entry 6 _ Eggs Picture by Egg shells

Hello everyone,

My idea came from the eggs which I usually use for my breakfast. In fact, I felt so pity when many beautiful egg shells have been thrown away. Moreover, I also wanted to draw a picture about the cute little chickens, and a hatch with the broken eggs. The egg shells are used to make a eggs picture that is so suitable and interesting. This is the reason why I chose this idea for my entry.

Firstly, I must collect more and more many egg shells the best. I also have to wash them cleanly and expose them to the sun until it's dry. This way would help to deodorize egg shells' smell (the 1st image).
Secondly, I think about an eggs picture in my mind and sketched it on an A3 paper-board by pencil.
Then, I smashed the egg shells became many little pieces and glued them in my sketched picture. Although, I got the outline, I was very difficult to glue egg shell pieces. However, I still finished it.

After that, I used water-color to paint my eggs picture. (the 2nd image)

Finally, I got a perfect eggs picture which was done by egg shells. (the final image)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Entry 5_Decorate for A3 drawing block


On this week, I will show you my decorated products. Firstly, I will talk about how to design an unique nice cover for your drawing block.

To make this design, we need to buy an A3 landscape drawing block (the 1st image). There are some necessary material to decorate such as one of your picture, one glitter string, one roll of sticking- plaster, two tubes of silver and gold glitter glue, a A3 color wrapper, a couple of artificial eyes and some paper stars (the 2nd image).
I did the paper stars from some long pieces of glitter papers which you can buy in general stores.

Now, I will tell about how I design the drawing block.

Firstly, I used the green wrapper to cover the original drawing block and glued them together by sticking-plaster.
Then, I cut the glitter strings become three sections for three words which present my full name. After that, I curved and glued these string sections become the letters "Ng"_Nguyen, "Ph"_Phuong and my name "Tien". I also decorated my string name by glitter glue and some paper stars. Next, I glued a green band over the width of the drawing block and put the couple of artificial eyes at the middle. The band can be used as the same as a lock to keep the drawing block close. Finally, I put my picture oblique at the middle on the top and also decorated around it by these paper stars (the 3rd image).

I had also decorated a A3 portrait drawing block in DIM2 class. I had just changed a little bit and used some different decorations. (the final image)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Entry 4: Rocks Decoration

Last week, I collected three white rocks with different shapes in my garden. (1st image_one of them)
Then, I saw my dog, Lady was laying down on a carpet. (2nd image)
I thought that the rock shape has a connection with the shape of the dog so I decided to draw a laying dog on the white rock.
Firstly, I sketched a laying dog shape on the rock by pencil. Then, I drew and painted it by water-color. It was really difficult to draw it like my dog so I changed a little bit by using some different colors. Finally, I got a sleeping rock dog (3rd image).
However, it didn't finish my work. I thought that my rock dog could be disappeared because the water-color could be damaged by water.
That is the reason why I used a bottle of glossy lacquer to make a cover for my rock dog. It helped my dog be more safe by water and it more beautiful. (4th image)
You see. In the 5th image, my dog was really amazed by my rock dog.
Two rest rocks which were drawn faces of a woman and man which depended on rocks shapes. This design came from my idea about a happy couple. Depending on the rocks shapes, I imagined and sketched their faced on the rocks. Then, I also used water-color and glossy lacquer to make them as the same as making the rock dog. (6th image)
Finally, I got a happy family include a husband and wife and a lazy dog. Maybe I will make a rock house for them in the future. (7th image)

Entry 3: Artificial Peacock from natural materials

Hi everyone,

My idea came from the peacock image which I took when I went to a zoo.

To design the second peacock image, I must think about which material should be used.

When I saw the fern trees of my father, I was attracted by their leaves shape. They are really like feathers of the real peacock. In addition, both of the real peacock and the fern leaves come from nature. They have a connection to each other. I think that it is extremely suitable to combine them together.

Firstly, I collected the material to create my own peacock. they conclude three fern leathers, glue, water colors, three artificial leaves, a piece of paper-board, a white A3 size paper-board, and two tupes of gold and silver glitter glue.

Secondly, I sketched out a shape of peacock body without long feathers on the paper-board piece by pencil. Then, I drew and painted more perfectly and carefully by water-color. Now, I got a colorful picture of peacock body. Next, I put it in front of a fan in other that it's colors are dried more fastly.

Thirstly, I used green, violet and dark brown water colors to draw some feathers of the peacock on the A3 paper-board. After that, I glued three fern leathers between the water-color feathers and the largest one at the middle. Then, I glued three artificial leaves in front of the fern feathers.

After that, I glued the peacock body in front of the feathers and at the middle of the picture. Next, I decored my peacock by the glitter glue tupes.

Finally, I got a beautiful and impressive peacock (the 2nd image).